This workpackage aims at investigating out-of-equilibrium high-mobility graphene transistors, by various spectroscopic means, to understand the microscopic mechanisms at stake in the electroluminescence of graphene.
The electroluminescence of graphene, discovered by LPENS and IL, is most probably a near-field radiation which leaks out of the structure. The work package 2 aims at understanding the fundamental mechanisms of the electroluminescence. The consortium will rely on its specific investigation methods: IL characterizes the MIR emission from the scattering of phonon-polaritons, and then carry out a MIR transmission spectroscopy study of the device in order to determine the carrier distribution. LPENS performs both electronic-noise and Raman thermometry (fig. 2b) to determine the role of the encapsulate in the electroluminescence phenomenon via its electron cooling signature. This study is carried out in h-BN/G/h-BN heterostructures. IOGS-LCF brings its experience to build a microscopic model of graphene electroluminescence.